Friday, June 28, 2013

MMPR // 1.4 "A Pressing Engagement" [review]

            You know how bad guys get a bad rap for explaining their entire evil plan before it hatches?  Yeah, Rita Repulsa does exactly that in the beginning of this episode: divulges her evil plan. Of course since Zordon pretty much always knows what Rita Repulsa is up to somehow, this plan will be doomed from the start.

            So Jason is trying to break Bulk’s bench press record, but at first I got confused and thought it was some kind of international record of some official kind.  I don ‘t think they tell you the weight, but Jason had to do over 1000 reps and he came up short, mainly because he got distracted by all of the other Rangers rather than having them help him.

            Yes, this is the “We need to learn to work together as a team in order to succeed” episode. 

            Somehow (Does it really matter how?) Skull “accidentally” rips off Bulk’s pants and exposes his giant child-like boxers.   In all fairness, Jason is pretty smug about being able to break Bulk’s record.  Where is the sportsmanship, guys?

            To orchestrate her plan she told us about earlier, Rita Repulsa sends putties after Jason and Kimberley, who seem to be handling it fairly well until two monsters show up and distract Jason.  Zordon, being the master time planner, brings all of the rest of the Rangers into the command center, while Jason and Kimberley are being beaten individually.   One of these days, Zordon is going to do some real damage.

            Zordon explains this thing about crystals I really don’t care about, but everyone hears it except for Jason and Kimberley because, you know, they’re out fighting the good fight still.   So Zordon transports these crystals to where Jason is fighting and it just so happens that Jason knows exactly what they are and exactly how to use them.   These crystals spit out the other Power Rangers, so they’re really like some of kind of very small transporter, right?   But hey, here’s a thought:  If Zordon could teleport the Rangers from their eatery/gym to the command center, why didn’t he just use the same technology to send them to Jason’s aide?  Seems like it would have saved a lot of time and plotholes to me.

            So eventually, all of the Power Rangers get together, form the Megazord and defeat the Sphynx and Goldar.  It makes me yearn for a Rita vs. Alpha slap fest for some reason.

            In the end, back at Saved by the Bell, Jason has his friends help him by shouting out encouraging words, replacing the weights with Styrofoam and also helping him buy steroids so he can beat Bulk’s record, thus further crushing the self esteem and pride of young Bulk.  Or, um, teaching him a lesson about being a bully I guess?  When the guy who owns the place (I can never remember his name) brings out a cake, Bulk stumbles and ends up wearing it just like a WWE wedding.  Classic. 

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