Friday, June 28, 2013

MMPR // 1.5 "Different Drum" [review]

            Well, I’ve reached a new high in being disturbed by watching the Power Rangers.  Why couldn’t they understand that people want to see action and not, um, whatever this is at the beginning here?   Billy, who is clearly a dweeboid or whatever, is trying to keep up with Kimberley’s dance class, which we just realized that Kimberley teaches, and he is just very awful at dancing.   So, of course, this leads to Bulk and Skull bragging about their dance moves, and thus Bulk and Zack have a dance off.

            Everyone laughs at Bulk because he can’t dance as well as Zack and, well, my feeling of them being bullied versus being the bullies continues. 

            Rita Repulsa decides to lure the Power Rangers into a trap by using music.  It’s sort of like the whole Pied Piper bit, you know.   And so all these girls are going off and following the music but this one girl can’t figure out why because she’s deaf! 

            Sincere Question:  Why is the deaf girl wearing hearing aids?  Isn’t that like putting glasses on a blind person?

            Anyway, this deaf girl sees everything happen with the other girls getting trapped, so she runs back for help.   When it is determined that no one else can sign, she decides to write down her story and so the guys vow to help, though never saying they are the Power Rangers of course. 

            When the bust goes down, the monsters guarding the girls have all… fallen asleep.   Whoa.  Yeah, I can’t make this stuff up, and unfortunately for Rita Repulsa good help is hard to find.   We get to see the Megazord in this episode before we get all happy at the end and dance, but one thing I don’t understand is how they can assume that the deaf girl doesn’t know now that they’re the Power Rangers.   Again, if she was blind, okay, I’d buy it (not really), but she can’t hear, she’s not stupid.  Clearly she should know what was going on and that these sort of friends of hers are in fact the Power Rangers.

            But hey, it’s not like she’s a character we’ll ever see again, if my history of television watching has done me any favors. 

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