Friday, August 9, 2013

MMPR // 1.10 "Happy Birthday, Zack" [review]

            I’ll admit it right now.  In my thirty plus years of having celebrated my birthday on this planet, I have never once been given a surprise party.   Oh, I’ve been sick on a number of my birthdays.  When I turned sixteen, I was throwing up so badly that I couldn’t even eat my own birthday cake.   My “sweet sixteen” was spent passed out on the couch trying not to choke on my own vomit.

            But I digress.

            In order for everyone to keep the secret of Zack’s birthday party, they all must lie to him and act as if they have forgotten about it.   I know some people enjoy surprises and even surprise birthday parties, but I refuse to be a party to one and would like to state for the record right here and now that I would open fire on anyone who attempted to surprise me with anything.

            (Okay, maybe that’s taking it a bit far, but if I wasn’t able to figure out what was going on there is no way I would be pleased with a surprise party of any form right now.  I’d probably mistake it for an intervention and start hurling out obscenities.)

            So we can have surprise birthday parties and it can be okay, but the problem is that in a sense a surprise is like lying, which is what this episode proves.   While Zack is feeling down about nobody remembering his birthday, he goes off, finds some bad guys and ends up having to fight them on his own.

            Again, without the lying and deceit of the surprise party, this entire episode could have been avoided.   So can we just use this as a prime example as to why surprise parties shouldn’t exist?

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