Friday, August 9, 2013

MMPR // 1.12 "Power Ranger Punks" [review]

                In this episode, Billy and Kimberly both drink a drinky drink that was spiked and it made them turn bad.   Not like take over the world bad, but like Skull and Bulk bad.   This attitude change comes with a makeover, which is quite humorous, and Kimberly even asks Skull out on a date.

                Now, right off the bat I have three problems with this.   Rita Repulsa didn’t spike the drinks herself, she had someone do it, for all intents and purposes let’s just say she did it herself.

1)      Why turn only two out of the five Power Rangers “bad”?   Wouldn’t it have been better to turn the whole gang?   Also, of the two, why Billy and Kimberly?   It seems like Jason would have been a given, seeing as how he’s the Red Ranger, but I digress.   You can’t really control who drinks the drank, so you’ll just have to take what you can get.
2)      Given the fact that the Power Rangers turned bad were random, why didn’t she at least send someone down there to recruit them?   This could have played out where Jason, Zack and Trini had to face off against an evil Billy and Kimberly, but apparently that’s thinking too far ahead for Rita Repulsa.   I mean, isn’t she tired of sending all these baddies out there only to have them fail?   Making the Power Rangers fight amongst themselves seems like a logical step in this plan, but alas, I am probably just over-thinking this.
3)      If all of that failed (and it did) then why didn’t they somehow get “poisoned” worse than what they did?   I’m not saying Rita Repulsa should kill them, but turning them into thugs who like to give wedgies and knock books out of other kids hands seems like a bit weak of a move, right?  She could have done to them what she did to Zordon at least.

                So, yes, Rita Repulsa has a plan, which is usually flawed, and thus she usually loses.   However, I’m not letting Zordon get off that easy in this episode either.    When it is realized that something is amiss, what does Zordon do?  Why, he teleports Billy and Kimberly to a little jail cell up in space there with him.

                What?  Can he just do that to anyone at any time?  Why hasn’t he done that to Rita Repulsa or at least the number of villains she has thus far sent to destroy the earth for some reason (or at least part of California).   This makes it seem like the Power Rangers team is somewhat unnecessary, but hey, I’m sure that’s not the case, right?   Right??

                The Power Rangers ultimately have to put all their weapons together to kill another bad guy and put things back to the way that they were before.   However, Skull still shows up for his date with Kimberly who completely blows him off and all.  That bitch!

                The best parts of this episode were clearly the fashion choices.   Zack is wearing red/yellow/green/black pants at one point with the Africa necklace and it just makes me really miss the ‘90s.    Also, at the end sequence, Kimberly is wearing a spandex thong (over tights, you pervs) and it’s kind of funny for me to think that she was wearing that while supposedly good instead of evil.

                The heightened sense of overacting by both Billy and Kimberly make this episode one of my favorites so far, despite the lack of logic in the plot.   It’s almost as if they threw the rules out the window because they wanted to see Billy play a badass, and on some level I am okay with that.

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